At the beginning of this year, Jake Gilbert shocked many by announcing his vying for mayor position in Westfield. Given that he is a coach to Westfield football high school and as well a member of Westfield council adds to his belief that he makes the right fit for this position. When it comes to mayor roles, they typically differ between states but the important thing is that they play a crucial role in local government. The procedure of getting mayors into office typically differ between states also with some appointing them and others electing them. Click here to get more helpful info.
Major qualities need be looked from the candidates vying for the mayor position which includes honesty, credibility as well as transparency. It's essential to major on such top qualities since the mayor office is also very important. Due to this there must be adherence of meeting the set criteria and standards for the candidates. Westfield residents need to consider Jake Gilbert due to the following listed reasons.
Not a politician. Being not led by political reasons or favors is notes by Jake Gilbert in his speech for why he is running for this position. In most cases candidates running for various positions are mainly driven by their political will as well as interests. It's however different with Jake Gilbert since he is mainly driven by the need to serve the community at large and not by political will. Mostly politicians concentrate more on their own endeavors and fail to work for those who voted for them. Jake Gilbert being a member of Westfield council explains that this council has given him a great chnace to listen and learn. Therefore he will be driven by community needs and look for ways to change their life.
Next reason is to give back to the city. This tend to be another major reason driving Jake Gilbert to run for mayor position. Jake says that he is grateful to have lived in Westfield city and thrive in helping the people back. Making this community a better place than it as before tend to be his dream. Jake aims at helping people discover their potential and engage into profitable endeavors that will benefit the community at large. Being a mayor will help this dream come true. Making a positive change on this city is his desire.
The last reason is to reunite the city. There is lack of unity in this city. There is major role played by community being united. To reunite the people community programs will help. There is the need for members of the public to live together in harmony and this can be achieved by involving them in important development programs where they will feel appreciated and their word take into consideration. Check out this post that has expounded more on the topic: https://www.britannica.com/topic/election-political-science.